E-Commerce Visualization & Database

Taking my background in e-commerce and order fulfillment, then adding new concepts of A/B testing and conversion funnels - I created a SQL database for a fictitious online retailer with almost 3 years of data and interactive visualizations showcasing the growth of the business.

Click below to see the entire visualization on Tableau Public!

Order Management

Visualization & Database

Taking knowledge from my background in logistics, process improvement, and operations management I recreated visualizations similar to what has been requested of me from stakeholders in the past. In conjunction with the visualization I created a database in MySQL to store customer, product, and order information.

*Data is user-created with assistance from AI, all names and personal information is fictitious

Click below to see the entire visualization on Tableau Public!

World Nutrition & Life Expectancy

As a former chef and lover of all things food-related, nutrition is important to me and it was fascinating to see how culinary and cultural differences can affect life expectancy.

*Life expectancy data taken from www.worldometer.info

*Nutrition data taken from www.un.org & www.fao.org

Click below to see the entire visualization in Tableau Public!

Python Weather App

Python program where users can select a location from a list of 100+ pre-populated global cities to retrieve weather information via API and parsed JSON text. Users also have ability to input their own city using coordinates.

*API from www.openweathermap.org is used

Check out the video to the left of the application!

Major League Baseball

Over the last 20 years, data analytics have become extremely popular in baseball. Here, I was able to recreate common advanced metrics and even develop a few unique metrics and visualizations of my own.

*Data taken from www.baseball-reference.com

Click below to see the entire visualization in Tableau Public!